Wednesday, May 4, 2011

11 more added to the family!

My Cuzzy Jacob is a chicken man and got a line on 19 week old chickens that are ready to lay eggs. They are about 2 weeks away from starting. Sean went to Drumheller area and picked them up yesterday. Aren't they beautiful!?

Sean brought them home in a cardboard box! It was so funny! He got home about 9 last night and they were all bedded down and sleeping. So when we moved them in from the box they were grouchy! They growled at us the whole time but they were sleepy and cuddly! I can't believe how soft they are. I had no idea that they would be soft. I thought they would be hard but they are very nice to pet.

We went to let them out this morning and they continued to complain to us. I think maybe they are just grouches all together! They had to be pushed to try outside (I think it is still too cold) I was hoping the rooster would crow.....I haven't heard him yet. I think they are still in shock trying to get used to their new home!

Notice that Kitty was the first one to great them. She loves meat, so I know she is planning their demise. I am going to have to watch today to see if she finds a way in! I don't know if she could take one down or not but she is a crazy good hunter and is planning raw KFC for lunch!

Blossom can't stand that she can't get in to see them! She whined and whined to see them and tried to dig her way in!

Last but not least, here is the other one that wants to "play" with them. Who needs foxes and skunks as predators. The poor little chickens have the other family members more than willing to eat them!

My friend Beate told me about chicken lice and how much she hates chickens...I am hoping they will be amazing! I love them.....I think...I will keep you posted!


Jocelyn said...

Is the white one the rooster? I bet Brigham was just waiting for someone to leave the door open. So much fun at your place!

All good things said...

I did not mean to discourage, but I remember being in charge of those things growing up--and how much I hated it! Maybe it was my teen rebellion, but it just grossed me out. I hope you enjoy your new family members. I do enjoy farm fresh eggs though. So, one day when I am passing through the area, I will be sure to stop by, and enjoy a fabulous omelet or some fresh eggs and bacon. Yumm!

Krymsen said...

Kim you may want to put up a barrier so that the birds can't see the dog or cats cause if they stress out they won't lay.

Janet Perkins said...

Chickens always remind me of my grandfather's farm. I could hardly wait to go out to the hen house to see if there were eggs. I'm sure if I had to do it all the time it would have been a drag but on holidays it's a novelty.