We went to the Auction last Saturday without Sean as he had to work. We were looking for a tractor for our little farm and any other treasures! As soon as London and I were walking in a noticed a family behind us with 4 puppies on leashes. I said to London that maybe they were going to sell them. She didn't believe me or want me to ask but I went back and asked them about the pups. Well it ends up they brought them to the auction hoping that by walking around with them they would be able to give them all away. Well we took two to walk around with Brigham and a little girl and ended up falling in Love with him.
We really have wanted an outside dog but Sean said NO! We don't need anymore animals. Well he was working so we got him anyway! Of course Sean loves him now as well.
All his Siblings were brown and way smaller than him. I think he has a different dad than all the others. He looks like he has some collie in him. Well they thought he was Jack Russel Terrier and blue healer. He has short legs but really big paws so we are hoping he will get big enough to defend the place. It is London's dog so we are all under strict instructions not to have him love us more. Blossom is my Dog and loves me best and doesn't really like London! So she wants him to love her the most.
It is getting cold out side but London goes and sits with him for hours everyday. He sits on her lap and he cuddles. He is spoiled already!
This morning I looked out and a little kitten was snuggled on his back having a snooze!
I am so worried that he is going to kill one of the kitties by accident! He bites them and sits on them and drags them around on the sidewalk. You should hear them screech! But they keep coming back for more. Poor animal confused puppy! He doesn't know they are his enemy.