Well desperation has hit our house! The day before Halloween London decides that everyone else is dressing up so now she wants to!!! Those of you that know me know I spend a lot of time sewing at Halloween for London's costume. Usually I have a week or two....but a couple hours? I told her she would have to find something on her own. Finally at about 8:30 we desperately went to go to Walmart when I remembered a costume rental place. By now it is 9:00 but I call anyway. Sure enough some one was there but they were closed but if I came right away we could grab something! Well.....we were rushed and had to find something in a few minutes she decided on a elf costume. Elf is our favorite movie so she was happy! I happily paid to rent it (it's only money right!?)
We have been listening to Christmas music in our house since beginning of October. I finally had to put my foot down and say on no more until mid November! I am a bit sick of Christmas already and it isn't near....ba humbug!
Gotta love last minute! ha,ha! I wouldn't have thought to call a costume rental place. What a lucky girl to have sucha good Mom! She's beautiful!
I loved her costume that she wore to the trick or trunk too! She said you made it, amazing!
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